Elizabeth Mick

Elizabeth Mick

In December 2023, Elizabeth joined Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy’s advancement team, using her professional writing background to share park stories, promote park advocacy across all ages, and create positive change through philanthropy. As manager of the organization’s annual fund, Elizabeth writes donor newsletters and fundraising appeals throughout the seasons, highlighting her coworkers’ achievements and visions for community wellness, environmental education, preservation, and sustainability. She also coordinates donor benefits and commemorative gifts with the Parks’ horticulture and forestry team.  

Elizabeth grew up in Ligonier, PA and never took for granted the amenities funded by a conservancy like PPC. She spent most of her childhood outside with her brothers – biking, cross country skiing, and playing tennis on lovingly maintained land. Now, Elizabeth and her husband are experiencing childhood again through the eyes of their two young daughters, this time in a beautiful city of bridges, trails, and unexpected solitude.