Embrace the Season: Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy’s Newest Guide Will Convince Park Visitors that Winter is Best Spent Outdoors

Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy and Giant Eagle reinvest paper bag fees in a healthier future for local youth and green spaces

Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy and Sibyls Shrine Expand Artistic Horizons with New Partnership — Welcoming Joyell Arvella, JD, for Inaugural Nature-Driven Residency
Parks do not exist without people. We restore parks for your joy and well-being. Pittsburghers need spaces where fathers can play catch with their sons, couples reconnect, family’s picnic. Parks, in return, do more than we realize. They clean the air, filter stormwater, lower stress…provide a natural sanctuary in forests of steel and glass surrounded by rivers of asphalt. Like anything alive, if neglected a park will suffer. And ultimately perish.
We believe in the power of parks. We are all in. Are you?