
Our New Lending Library

The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy recently launched our Lending Library to help expand and enrich visitors’ parks experiences. If you’re an interested park user, visit the Frick Environmental Center or the Schenley Park Visitor Center or register online at

At the Frick Environmental Center, stop by to borrow binoculars, spy local birds, or take in the views of Frick Park up close. You could also reserve one of our “Exploration Backpacks,” which are themed to help you explore different areas of the park. The Meadow Backpack will introduce you to the insects, spiders, and butterflies of the meadows. The Forest Backpack has a “Bird Identiflyer” so you can learn to identify and make bird calls. The Stream Backpack includes a sieve and aqua-viewer to make discoveries in local ponds and creeks. Finally, the Health Backpack will come with hiking poles, a hammock, and a FitBit so users can track their steps.

The Schenley Park Visitor Center also has the Forest, Stream, and Health backpacks!

It’s free to sign up for the Lending Library, but members may be asked to leave an ID or keys at the front desk for collateral, and any items lost will have to be replaced. We ask that you use the Lending Library items in the parks themselves and be sure to return them before heading home. 

Explore the parks in a whole new way with the lending library items!