Every Little Bit Counts Never before have parks and open spaces meant so much to so many.   They help us cope and restore our minds, bodies, and spirits. They serve as a playground, a classroom, a gym, a place of wonder for children and adults alike.   Not just today, in time of crisis, but every day. Whether you can give $5 or $50, every little bit counts.   A little bit from many of us can make a big difference. 


Every Little Bit No Bench

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Parks do not exist without people. We restore parks for your joy and well-being. Pittsburghers need spaces where fathers can play catch with their sons, couples reconnect, family’s picnic. Parks, in return, do more than we realize. They clean the air, filter stormwater, lower stress…provide a natural sanctuary in forests of steel and glass surrounded by rivers of asphalt. Like anything alive, if neglected a park will suffer. And ultimately perish.

We believe in the power of parks. We are all in. Are you?