McKinley Park Beltzhoover Neighborhood

RESTORING A COMMUNITY GREENSPACE The 2013 revitalization of the entrance of McKinley Park in the Beltzhoover neighborhood reconnected the park to its users and its community.


This 79-acre community park is a gathering place for the Beltzhoover neighborhood. McKinley Park, which historians say gives one “a euphoric sense of the countryside,” features children’s play areas, wooded hiking trails, a skate park, sports courts, a baseball field, and a senior center.

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After years of inattention, historic stone entryways that had once welcomed visitors to McKinley Park were deteriorating. Residents from surrounding neighborhoods sought to re-establish not only the entrance, but also connections throughout the park.

With the aid of local government and state funding, the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy led the project to restore this important park entrance.

The 2013 revitalization of the entrance of McKinley Park in the Beltzhoover neighborhood reconnected the park to its users and its community. The McKinley Park Entrance and Rain Gardens project improved accessibility and saved an important historic feature: a stone wall and steps at the park entrance dating back to the 1930s. The completed project includes an entrance area parking lot surfaced with porous asphalt that allows stormwater to be absorbed into the ground; rain gardens to receive water from the parking lot; and accessible walkways from the street to the playground and the basketball court.

Recently, the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy was selected as one of four national organizations to share a $1.75 million grant that will allow for further green infrastructure projects in McKinley Park. The Parks Conservancy continues working to restore this beloved community park and will share future updates as projects progress.

Project Information

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