Let’s Talk About Parks: Why Parks Make You A Better Person
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Don’t let summer pass without a visit to area parks. Parks can make a healthier, happier you.
Study after study concludes that nature positively impacts health and well-being. But, today most of us spend much of our life indoors, or at least tethered to devices. In fact, in our increasingly digital world, unplugging, getting outside and connecting with nature is more important now than ever.
There are multiple health benefits to exercising outside. Studies show that if individuals with diabetes take a 30-minute walk in a green space, they will experience lower blood glucose. For individuals with arthritis, walking in a park is therapeutic and low impact, which can help reduce pain and improve mobility, as well as quality of life. That’s why the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy with a generous grant from the Jewish Healthcare Foundation has embarked on initiatives aimed at luring older adults into parks. Many of the activities are scheduled at Schenley Plaza in Oakland and the Frick Environmental Center in Squirrel Hill. Don’t miss tai chi, fitness hikes and more.
Part of the Parks Conservancy’s Healthy, Active, and Green lineup, fitness hikes in Frick Park is just one example of a full calendar of events designed for park pals who are 50+. Each month, we’re celebrating elements of the center that teach us about the world around us. This month the theme is health... Read the full article.