Keep parks open



Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

April 10, 2020 12:00 AM


Thanks to the Pittsburgh parks and the people of Pittsburgh for keeping our beautiful parks open these past few weeks. I, for one, hope it continues.

With many cities closing their parks lately, those of us who rely on them daily for fresh air and exercise have found them especially restorative during this time. I know I can count on the park to be there for me, no matter what happens, but that’s only because I live in the middle of one of the city’s most beautiful parks — Allegheny Commons. Not everybody is as fortunate as I am, and they may face restricted park access if we fail to maintain social distance by avoiding crowds, group recreational activities and playground equipment.

We are beginning a time of year when crowds in the parks frequently happen, particularly on weekends when the weather is nice. Everybody wants to get outside. Please observe and respect social distancing guidelines when visiting the parks — or else a few lucky people like me will have them all to ourselves!

North Side