The Highland Park Entry Garden was restored in 2005. The garden is a glorious mix of herbaceous perennials and spring bulbs. Some of the first flowers to start blooming in this garden are squill, a small bulb with a blue flower, and three feet tall. The spring bulbs bloom from March to May and include squill, crocus, daffodil, tulip, hyacinth, glory of the snow, and alliums. Fall Anemone and goldenrod conclude the blooms for the season.
In 2017, a generous donation was made to add butterfly/pollinator plants to the garden. So you will see monarch butterfly caterpillars munching on milkweed and butterfly weed, tiger swallowtail butterflies drinking nectar from tall garden phlox, and bees buzzing around purple salvia.
Parks thrive when they have sun, soil, rain…and you. You ensure programs are offered, trees are planted, capital projects are funded, flowers are tended to, research is pursued. There is nothing the parks can’t do with you behind them.