Hat Luncheon Preview Party

APR 13, 2015 

Amid the gray weather, patrons of the beloved annual Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Hat Luncheon gathered for a cocktail party to chat about … what else? Hats, of course. “I am working on three custom creations for this year’s luncheon, and I can’t wait to see everyone’s reaction,” said local milliner Gina Mazzotta. Others hadn’t decided which hat they were going to sport. “Well, it depends on which one Annie [Engel] wears.… I have two, but she can pick first, and then I’ll wear the other,” laughed Shannon Bondi. And some had special-ordered their creations, such as Gabriela Porges, who will be donning hat-couture from Philip Treacy. “It’s black and hot pink, and I am so excited to wear it!” All the proceeds raised from this year’s hat luncheon, located at Riverview Park in Observatory Hill, will go toward the conservancy programs to promote and restore the city’s parks. Read Full Article