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Table Top Tuesday: Board Games

Schenley Plaza 4100 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA

Grab lunch from one of the food kiosks in the park and enjoy a selection of free table-top games under the Schenley Park Visitors Center every Tuesday!  Games are available…

Western PA Mushroom Club Monthly Meeting – Frick Environmental Center

Frick Environmental Center 2005 Beechwood Blvd, Pittsburgh, PA, United States

The Western Pennsylvania Mushroom Club meets the third Tuesday of each month (March through November) at the Frick Environmental Center. Each meeting features updates on club activities, a speaker/presentation, a…

Table Top Tuesday: Board Games

Schenley Plaza 4100 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA

Grab lunch from one of the food kiosks in the park and enjoy a selection of free table-top games under the Schenley Park Visitors Center every Tuesday!  Games are available…


Table Top Tuesday: Board Games

Schenley Plaza 4100 Forbes Ave, Pittsburgh, PA

Grab lunch from one of the food kiosks in the park and enjoy a selection of free table-top games under the Schenley Plaza tent every Tuesday through October! Games are…