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10.27 Walking the Healing Path

Frick Environmental Center 2005 Beechwood Blvd, Pittsburgh

The 10.27 Healing Partnership, an affiliate of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh, is offering a joint program in collaboration with the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy, called Walking the Healing…

Plant Walk with Community Herbalist, Annie Fox

Allegheny Commons West, Northeast Fountain

On this walk, we will learn how to identify local edible and medicinal plants, review safe and ethical foraging practices, and connect with the plant life of our region. Participants…

Dance & Be Fit w/Roland Ford – Schenley Plaza – 06/02/2022

Schenley Plaza 4100 Forbes Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 United States

Join Roland of Dance & Be Fit and get your body active during the spring and summer months! These movements are inclusive to all and will have you feeling great!…