Coffee Connection + Commonplace Coffee Collaboration
"Lively - wild - woodsy - historic - large - bold!”
Have you ever wondered what a park tastes like? Now's your chance to let your tastebuds wonder and experience Frick Park in a new and exciting way!
The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy and Commonplace Coffee recently released the Frick Park blend, which is the first in the collaborative series. Each blend in the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Series will highlight one of the city’s five regional parks — Frick Park, Schenley Park, Highland Park, Riverview Park, and Emerald View Park — starting with the Frick Park Blend, which was released on the first day of fall.
The collaboration was first sparked by the Commonplace Coffee team that understands the value of their neighborhood parks and green spaces.
"The idea for a partnership with the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy started somewhat organically as an internal team conversation. A few months into the COVID-19 pandemic, we were discussing its challenges and ways to better engage with our community," Lauren Young, Commonplace Marketing and Communications Manager explained. "The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy felt like such a natural fit for our organization as a community-builder, and also individually as a place where we had all found value and steadiness during the pandemic. Bringing attention to the value of the parks and contributing funds to this organization were ideas that got all of us excited."
Not only does the team at Commonplace cherish their green spaces, but they also understand the importance of community and connection that parks offer.
"Commonplace Coffee was started on the foundation of community," TJ Fairchild, Commonplace Founder said. "The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy is an organization that is so easy to get behind because it is an obvious community builder. We, as a staff, love the parks. We have individual times there and we have communal times there. We are honored to be able to support a beautiful part of the Pittsburgh community."
The Commonplace team has long appreciated spending time outdoors, but it's meant even more to each team member individually throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
"Having so many green spaces near our shops has been a blessing during a time where we can't allow people to enjoy our cafes," Bobby Chaffin, Commonplace Operations Manager explained. "We've seen so many pictures of walks, picnics, and bike rides of people using #takecommonplace. It's a reminder that our mission and values can easily extend beyond the four walls of a cafe."
Commonplace will donate 25% of profits from sales of custom parks blends directly to the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy. To purchase a bag of the Frick Park Blend, visit