Another Look: The Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy

FEB 6, 2017 

Greenville Journal


For 20 years, the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy has been looking after the great Pennsylvania city’s most prestigious parks.

Following the collapse of the steel industry, a group of citizens concerned with the deteriorating conditions of the city’s historic parks decided to step up, forming the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy. The conservancy, under an official public-private partnership agreement, focused on the city’s then-four regional parks: Frick, Highland, Riverview, and Schenley.

To date, the conservancy has raised nearly $97 million dollars for park projects, according to Scott Roller, the group’s senior manager of communications. Seventeen projects have been completed, ranging from $19 million for construction of a new environmental center in Frick Park to a half-million dollar renovation of McKinley Park that will begin later this year... Read the full article